Blanks Qualities



The fundamental description of Circassian Walnut to integer in different qualities, lies in the Color. This Color in its pleasant kind, shows itself in dark lines on a lighter background.
The Movement, or the expression of life, the activity or excitement, all these impressions give further bases for grading the gunstock blank.
For the maximum grading and qualifying of the walnut gunstock blanks there must be a pleasant balance between Structure, Color, Contrast and Movement
…And such pieces are very rare in fact.
While there is no standardized grading for beauty in fine woods, the following criteria should assist you in understanding the types of products available


Gunstock Grade 1

 The proverbial “fence post” walnut, fast grown open-pored and completely plain, used on entry level guns only.


Gunstock Grade 2

Good straight grain walnut with smaller pores than the classe one, generally very little figure, blanks of this grade will usually end up on the low end of A grade.


Gunstock Grade 3

Well figured blank, generally used on higher quality guns such as the Beretta 687EELL or Browning grade V. It will finish out in the AA to AAA grade range.

Gunstock Grade 4

Blanks which will be fancier than the classe three and will be in the AAA range bordering the Exhibition grade.

Gunstock Grade 5

These blanks are considered in the “Best” category and will definitely finish out as Exhibition grade. These blanks will be superior in the figure and color contrast.



The finest blank available at any price, these are the rarest of all gunstock blanks, for example, of 100 classe 4 and 4.5 blanks, one may find one blank so exceptional it is considered as Exhibition Grade 



About our Company

Our company with it’s production plant is situated in the industry zone of Adana-Turkey. Since 1982 we are processing old Turkish/ Circassian walnut logs ( bot. name: Juglans Regia), which are min. 100+ years old harvested from eastern parts of Turkey. These logs are chosen one by one by our experts hands carefully.

Mainly we are specialized in the production of gunstock blanks. Our plant which is furnished with the most modern machinery is still underway for further expansion to serve our large, medium size and small artisan structured customers around the globe.

The Products

In Our Plant complete trees are processed, from which diffrent types and qualities of gunstocks result. These qualities extends from the simple straight blanks up to the very beautiful, dark coloured and with much movement furnished exhibition blanks, which are very rarely.

Our Expert's hand selects each piece of wood and meticulously cut each blank to maximize the colour, figure and grain of the wood. Besides the firmness and extraordinary colours and contrast the Circassian walnut brings a lot of pleasent advantages with itself. Selected and graded for its strength and beauty, our wood is typical of the quality found on the worlds best shotguns. It's added advantage in yielding far less waste during production in comparison with the other types of walnut wood is of great economic significance.

After streaming the gunstocks are natural air-dried for a period of 8 - 12 months. As our plant is in the southern-Turkey and warm climater there, the products reach in this period a moisture content of 12-16%.

befor delivery each piece of production is inspected scrupulously for absolute confidence and reliability of the quality. All products are planed and ready to use.

You are most welcome to be our guest abd discuss with us all technical commercial aspects of supplying your company with an initial party for trial, which we are certain to be followed by full orders.

For further information please contact us any time.


AOSB, Çukurova Cad. No:5 Sarıçam/ADANA (Turkey)

Tel: +90 322 394 37 88 | Fax: +90 322 394 37 90

About our Company

Our company with it’s production plant is situated in the industry zone of Adana-Turkey. Since 1982 we are processing old Turkish/ Circassian walnut logs ( bot. name: Juglans Regia), which are min. 100+ years old harvested from eastern parts of Turkey. These logs are chosen one by one by our experts hands carefully.

Mainly we are specialized in the production of gunstock blanks. Our plant which is furnished with the most modern machinery is still underway for further expansion to serve our large, medium size and small artisan structured customers around the globe.

The Products

In Our Plant complete trees are processed, from which diffrent types and qualities of gunstocks result. These qualities extends from the simple straight blanks up to the very beautiful, dark coloured and with much movement furnished exhibition blanks, which are very rarely.

Our Expert's hand selects each piece of wood and meticulously cut each blank to maximize the colour, figure and grain of the wood. Besides the firmness and extraordinary colours and contrast the Circassian walnut brings a lot of pleasent advantages with itself. Selected and graded for its strength and beauty, our wood is typical of the quality found on the worlds best shotguns. It's added advantage in yielding far less waste during production in comparison with the other types of walnut wood is of great economic significance.

After streaming the gunstocks are natural air-dried for a period of 8 - 12 months. As our plant is in the southern-Turkey and warm climater there, the products reach in this period a moisture content of 12-16%.

befor delivery each piece of production is inspected scrupulously for absolute confidence and reliability of the quality. All products are planed and ready to use.

You are most welcome to be our guest abd discuss with us all technical commercial aspects of supplying your company with an initial party for trial, which we are certain to be followed by full orders.

For further information please contact us any time.


AOSB, Çukurova Cad. No:5 Sarıçam/ADANA (Turkey)

Tel: +90 322 394 37 88 | Fax: +90 322 394 37 90